2024 Preseason Flyer
Hello everyone!
We have begun preparations for the 2024 FRSL season! Registrations will be open from the 19th of February till the 11th of March, sign up through our website; frsl.org.au. The Lord willing, the season will begin on the 13th of April for our Men’s division and the 20th of April for all other divisions. Games will once again be run between 12pm-5:30pm. Fees will be roughly the same this year, if you are finding it difficult to afford these, please let us know because we would hate for this to be the reason anyone misses out.
We would like to thank our outgoing committee members; Jason Sibum, Marilyn Terpstra and Dylan Heerema. This season we welcome Joel Griffioen as Mens Coordinator, David Veenendaal as Junior Leagues Coordinator and Melanie deVos as Netball Coordinator. They join our existing members Brad Versluis (President), James Versluis (Treasurer), Julia Rupke (Secretary), Douwe Rupke (Umpire Coordinator), Lorette Eikelboom (Ladies Coordinator), and Ngozi Nwanosike (Grounds Coordinator) to bring you this season.
Make sure to follow us on our socials for updates, and contact us via email if you have any inquiries!
Season Dates*:
• 19th February—Registrations open
• 14th March—Registrations closed
• 13th April—Men’s Season starting
• 20th April—Other divisions starting
• 6th-13th July—holiday break (no games)
• 14th September—Carnival Day